Hitch Locks

Which hitch lock fits my Caravan?
We manufacture a wide range of hitch locks to fit various caravan hitch heads. Please see attached datasheet to help identify which hitch lock you require. ...
Fri, 20 May, 2022 at 3:47 PM
Which hitch lock fits my trailer?
We manufacture a wide range of hitch locks to fit various trailer hitch heads. Please see attached datasheet to help identify which hitch lock you require. ...
Fri, 20 May, 2022 at 3:47 PM
My Hitch Head Handle Stays Up
Use the ball or dummy ring plate, at the same time as lifting the handle to trigger the handle down. Please see video below.
Mon, 18 Jul, 2022 at 1:20 PM
The holes on my AW hitch lock do not line up when I try and fit it.
The profile on the ends of the black bottom channel are at two different heights to suit either the standard or the 3.5 tonne hitch head. If you have the st...
Mon, 15 Aug, 2022 at 11:52 AM
How do I know whether I need the BRC or BRCA Hitch Lock?
If your hitch head says S350 on it this means it is on a 3500kg trailer which will have a 60mm shaft, you will require our model BRCA hitch lock. If your hi...
Fri, 28 Oct, 2022 at 10:16 AM
The dummy ring plate will not lower the handle of my hitch head
Please ensure that you are not trying to fit model DM hitch lock to a AK270 hitch head ( see image below) as this is the incorrect hitch lock. The correct h...
Wed, 21 Jun, 2023 at 12:19 PM
The key turns to the unlocked position but I can't remove my lock bolt
If the key enters the lock and turns a quarter turn anti clockwise but will not withdraw from the product, then this may be down to the ball bearings at the...
Fri, 6 Dec, 2024 at 12:33 PM